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Total Energies’ oil exploration activities are displacing dozens of families due to flooding.



By Witness Radio team.

More than 30 families in Kasinyi village, Nile parish, and Ngwendo sub-county in Buliisa district are facing displacement by floods caused by Total Energies operations’ exploration activities.

As a result, victim families have now petitioned Total Energies, urging the company to address severe flooding issues that they claim have been caused by its oil exploration activities. The flooding has so far destroyed homes and crops, leaving many families in terrible need of relief assistance.

Total Energies is constructing a 95-kilometer feeder oil pipeline from a planned Central Processing Facility (CPF) in Buliisa to the Kabaale Industrial Area in Hoima district. This pipeline will transport crude oil from the six Tilenga oil fields to the industrial area in the Hoima district.

The Tilenga project is part of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project. Due to its social and ecological impacts, it has faced significant criticism from communities, civil society organizations, and environmental experts. Concerns about the displacement of local communities, potential threats to biodiversity, and the long-term effects on climate and ecosystems continue to be raised in the areas it is passing through.

In a petition signed by 32 heads of families, addressed to Mr. Philippe Groueix, Managing Director of Total Energies, and copied to the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU), the families express deep concern over the flooding that has severely impacted their lives. They claim that the trench excavations to construct the Tilenga feeder pipeline are responsible for the flooding, which has destroyed many homes and crops.

“The flooding, which the pipeline development in swampy lands has caused, and the lack of alternative drainage channels, has affected our gardens and homes. Our properties have been destroyed, yet no one cares about us, not even the project implementers,” said Mr. Tholith Emmanuel, one of the petitioners, during an interview with Witness Radio.

“We depend on farming to make a living, but the floods have caused a complete loss of crops,” he added.

Residents allege that the flooding began after oil exploration and construction activities began. “We have lived here for many years, and this was never a problem before the oil development. After their work started, we experienced heavy flooding, which means there was no proper planning for our area’s impact, ” Emmanuel added.

Another resident, Mr. Katehe Selina, expressed frustration over losing his maize and cassava due to the floods. He urged Total Energies to address the situation promptly to prevent further destruction. “I have lost my crops, and my livelihood depends on farming. If this continues, my community and I cannot meet basic household needs, including paying school fees. The challenge could lead to higher school dropout rates, teenage pregnancies, domestic violence, and other social problems,” he warned.

In their petition, the residents are calling out Total Energies to take immediate action to fairly and adequately compensate the families who have lost property due to the floods be fairly and adequately compensated without delay and to provide proper drainage solutions to prevent further water stagnation and flooding in their village.

By press time, Total Energies had not responded to Witness Radio’s request for confirmation of the petition’s receipt nor provided any indication of how it plans to address the community’s concerns.

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Women’s Climate Assembly, 2024: African women vow to protect human and environmental rights amidst an influx of destructive land-based investments on the continent.



By Witness Radio team.

Africa’s path to recovery from the scars of destructive development projects will take decades. These projects, often presented as “development initiatives,” have caused untold suffering, including deaths, homelessness, infertility among women, food insecurity, flooding, and the relentless pollution of lands that were once flourishing homelands. This fallout is catastrophic for the environment and the people who depend on it.

In a radio program at Witness Radio, which was part of the Women’s Climate Assembly (WCA) 2024, women activists from across Africa, representing western and central African regions, revealed the dark reality behind projects disguised as “development,” which genuinely devastates their communities, lands, and the environment.

The rise of these destructive projects has galvanized African women to fight back. They demand alternative development solutions and projects that uplift women, support families, and sustain communities while protecting the environment.

Siya Foyoh, a community activist working with WoME from Kono District in Sierra Leone, shared the horrors her region faces from mining and deforestation. Kono, Sierra Leone’s one of the leading diamond-producing districts, has seen an increase in child deaths due to uncovered mining pits, which flood during the rains. “Every month, we lose one or two children who fall into these pits. This never happened before the mining began,” Foyoh explained.

Beyond the immediate dangers, the chemicals used in mining have led to widespread health crises. “In my district, hepatitis B is rampant because of these chemicals. Our health is suffering greatly,” she added.

But what is more disheartening is the response from government authorities. “When we report these tragedies to the government, we are told the mining companies are too powerful to be challenged,” Foyoh lamented.

Foyoh also pointed to the growing problem of timber logging in Sierra Leone, accelerating deforestation and disrupting rainfall patterns.

“This year, our community saw little and late rainfall, leading to food shortages. Deforestation is driving us toward famine,” she further added.

Another activist, Florence Naakie, from Nigeria’s Lokiaka Centre, highlighted the devastating impact of oil extraction on women and their communities. She revealed that “Countries may be different, but the struggles we face are the same,” recounting stories of coastal erosion in Senegal, deforestation for timber, and the increasingly erratic weather patterns affecting farming communities across Africa.

In Nigeria’s Niger Delta, Oil development operations have ravaged the land and waters, and farmers and fisherfolk are facing an ecological disaster. “Our soil is infertile; even when we use fertilizers, there’s no yield. Fisherwomen report catching fish that smell of crude oil, which we know can cause cancer,” Naakie explained.

She painted a bleak picture of life in the Niger Delta: “We’re being pushed to the brink. People cannot farm or fish, and the pollution has led to widespread infertility and cancer among women. Some of the babies born in these areas are deformed.”

In Nigeria, the oil spill crisis is staggering. The Nigerian Oil Spill Monitor recorded over 1,150 spills in 2023 alone.”Oil pollution has destroyed our environment, caused infertility in young women, and left us battling diseases like cancer,” Naakie added, with emphasis on the devastating impact on women, who bear the brunt of providing for their families in the face of environmental destruction.

“We have many women between the ages of 25 and 30 and above who are now unable to conceive because they have been exposed to a polluted environment. When these women go fishing, they come into contact with crude oil, leading to serious health consequences like cancer. We are seeing rising cases of skin cancer, cleft lips, and deformities in infants born to these women,” Naakie added.

Despite the overwhelming challenges, African women are refusing to back down. They call for projects restoring degraded lands and water sources and for the collective power to stand up to mining companies, governments, and other entities pushing harmful ” development ideas.”

“We will not give up,” vowed the activists. We are fighting for projects that prioritize women, families, and communities. We want a future where we can live dignified lives without fear for our children or our land.”

In-case you missed the live program,

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UN approves carbon market safeguards to protect environment and human rights



The UN’s new carbon market will have a compulsory mechanism that aims to prevent developers of carbon credit projects from breaching human rights or causing environmental damage with their activities – a first for the UN climate process.

Developers of projects under the UN’s new Article 6.4 carbon crediting system will be required to identify and address potential negative environmental and social impacts as part of a detailed risk assessment under new rules adopted by technical experts in Baku, Azerbaijan, last Thursday.

Developers will also be asked to set out how their activities contribute to sustainable development goals like ending poverty or improving health, alongside their primary objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Maria AlJishi, chair of the Supervisory Body in charge of setting the rules, said in a statement that “these new mandatory safeguards are a significant step towards ensuring that the UN carbon market we are building contributes to sustainable development without harming people or the environment”.

The risk reduction measures introduced by the so-called “Sustainable Development Tool” represent an attempt to grapple with widespread concerns over the harm caused by some carbon credit projects around the world.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – the previous UN carbon market set up to help richer countries meet their emissions-cutting pledges – was dogged by accusations of social and environmental abuses linked to its registered projects. They included, for example, toxic pollution from a waste-to-energy facility in India, forced relocations due to infrastructure like a hydropower dam in Panama, and villagers in Uganda being denied access to land they used to grow food as a result of a tree-planting project.

The CDM had only a less-rigorous voluntary safeguarding mechanism that was heavily criticised by civil society.

The approval of the new Sustainable Development Tool this week marks the end of a two-year process to agree on the rules, which will work alongside an appeals and grievance procedure rubber-stamped earlier this year.

Kristin Qui, a Supervisory Body member closely involved in developing the tool, told Climate Home it had been “very challenging” to get it right. “Everyone wanted to find the right balance between making sure the tool can be used while at the same time being as stringent as possible,” she added.

Under the new rules, project developers will have to fill out an extensive questionnaire designed to assess the risk their activities could pose in 11 areas, including land and water, human rights, health, gender equality and Indigenous Peoples.

They will have to describe how they are planning to avoid any negative impacts or, if that is not possible, the measures they are taking to reduce them, as well as procedures to monitor their implementation.

External auditors will review the risk assessment, check that local communities have been properly consulted and evaluate the appropriateness of the actions proposed by the developers. The rules will apply to both new projects developed under Article 6.4 and to over a thousand more that are seeking to transfer into the new market from the CDM.

Isa Mulder, a policy expert at Carbon Market Watch (CMW) and a close observer of Article 6 negotiations, said the tool “should go a long way in upholding rights and protecting people and the environment”.

She added there is still room for improvement on certain provisions and said the mechanism will need to be used as intended for it to be effective, but called it “a really good start”.

The Supervisory Body will review and update the safeguarding tool every 18 months, striving to improve it based on feedback from those involved.

In addition to the risk assessment, the mechanism will require project developers to assess the potential impacts of their activities on country efforts to meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by the UN in 2015 and due to be met this decade.

Qui said the tool will make project developers reflect more closely on how they can share benefits with local communities.

“It poses the question of how the project is actually going to contribute to sustainable development in addition to simply avoiding harm and encourages a high level of engagement with Indigenous populations from the get-go,” she added.

The approval of the Sustainable Development Tool is seen as an important stepping stone towards achieving the full operationalisation of the Article 6 carbon market at COP29 in November – one of the main priorities for the incoming Azerbaijani presidency of the talks.

CMW’s Mulder said the tool’s adoption was “very significant”, as having a human rights protection package in place was “probably a prerequisite” for many countries to even consider approving other carbon market measures at COP.

After extended and heated discussions stretching into the early morning on Thursday, the Supervisory Body also agreed on guidance for the development of carbon-credit methodologies and carbon removal activities aimed at ensuring that emission reductions claimed by projects are credible.

These key building blocks for the establishment of the Article 6.4 carbon crediting mechanism proved an insurmountable hurdle at the last two annual climate summits where government negotiators rejected previous iterations of the documents.

That prompted the Supervisory Body to take a different route in Baku this week by directly approving those documents as “standards” instead of simply presenting its recommendations for diplomats to fight over at COP.

Jonathan Crook, a policy expert at CMW, interpreted the move as “a risky take-it-or-leave it strategy” to avoid intensive negotiations. “I think this approach aims to ensure the texts won’t be reopened at COP29 for line-by-line edits,” he said.

Climate Home understands that governments will still have the option of rejecting the body’s “standards” wholesale or directing it to make further changes.

Supervisory Body chair AlJishi said in written comments that “the adoption of these standards marks a major step forward in enabling a robust, agile carbon market that can continue to evolve”.

But a fellow member of the body, Olga Gassan-zade, voiced concerns over the process. “Personally I have huge reservations against creating a UN mechanism that can effectively evade the UN governance,” she wrote in a LinkedIn post, “but it didn’t feel like the SBM [Supervisory Body Mechanism] as a whole was willing to risk not adopting the CMA recommendations for a third year in a row.”…PACNEWS/CIMATE HOME.

Source: Post-Courier

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Breaking: West and Central African women meet in Senegal over the climate crisis.



By Witness Radio team.

As the world burns and corporations continue to pillage Africa’s natural resources, hundreds of women from different local communities of West and Central African countries have started their week-long event to discuss holistic actions to put an end to climate injustice.

The Women Climate Assembly (WCA) at Saly in Senegal started this morning and will run from October 7 to 11, 2024. It has drawn over 120 women activists and community leaders from 12 countries across West and Central Africa to address the debilitating climate crisis in Africa.

This year’s assembly is organized under the theme, African women stand together to defend our land, waters, and forests will aim at making bold women-led struggles in fighting dirty extractives and the disguised solutions to climate disasters in Africa and to propose development solutions that center and support women, their families and their communities to enjoy a decent life and livelihoods in a time of a deepening climate crisis.

The meeting is being held at a time when Africa is facing deteriorating climate change, which has caused droughts, wildfires, cyclones, storms, locust flooding, and rising sea levels, among other tragedies. Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, and Kenya have been recorded among the most affected countries since 2000.

According to organizers, local communities are often the most affected by environmental degradation, facing consequences such as loss of biodiversity, displacement, and health issues related to pollution and resource depletion, among others.

Women, frequently the primary caregivers responsible for securing food and water for their families, bear the heaviest burden of climate impacts. Women from Central and West Africa are rising to tackle the urgent climate crisis affecting the African continent as they play a crucial role in sustainable agriculture, driving community leadership, and safeguarding biodiversity.

“We are asking for them to change the system. We cannot live in this climate – everywhere is hot, there is a lot of sickness, and we can no longer survive. Our plants are dying; our animals are dying. Our sea level is rising, creating coastal erosion and destroying our houses. We need to change things and tell them, leave our climate alone!” says Oumou Koulibaly from Senegal, WCA 2023.

The climate crisis has hit the African continent, its ecosystems, and its people hard. The frustrating irony is that Africa is grappling with the most impacts of global warming. Women’s visibility and voices in addressing this cause are too often underrepresented in national and international climate policy discussions.

Abie Freeman from Liberia emphasizes the urgent need for dialogue with polluters regarding their actions’ detrimental effects on communities. “Everywhere you turn, there are problems. You’ll hear about equity after six or seven years, but we are still here. We need to wake up and do something as women! When we sit there, they will talk over us. We need to wake up and do something that will bring justice to us.”

The 2024 WCA marks the third Women’s Climate Assembly since its inception in 2022. At last year’s gathering, participants produced a powerful declaration outlining demands for climate justice, reparations, and sovereignty for Africa based on consultations from over seventy communities across the continent.

They firmly asserted their Right to Say NO to the destruction of their lands, forests, oceans, and rivers by so-called “development” projects that threaten their ways of life and livelihoods. Additionally, they called on polluters to provide meaningful reparations, informed by the impacted communities, for the historical and ongoing climate and ecological debt owed to Africa.

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