In a public hearing conducted at the Archives and Records Centre in Nakasero, the commission was stunned by the incredible story of how a 24-year old...
Popular support for a free news media has declined significantly in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania – three countries currently making headlines for government attempts to limit...
ENTEBBE- Civil servants, who were evicted from the Old Entebbe staff quarters, have accused the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of mistreatment. Last week, Aviation Police forcibly evicted...
KAMPALA. The Inspector General of Government (IGG) has warned Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) against giving away Kiswa Children’s Recreation Centre at Kataza in Bugolobi to a...
AMURU- The future of more than 5,000 pupils in Amuru District hangs in the balance as the UPDF and Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) continue effecting evictions on...
GULU: More than 250 residents occupying part of Gulu Central Forest Reserve in Laroo Division, Gulu Municipality, face eviction after National Forestry Authority (NFA) announced plans of...
By Team Since 2017, 23000 families have experienced eviction violence from state security institutions including Uganda police to pave way for agribusiness. Agilis Partners Limited...
UGANDA: The Justice Catherine Bamugemereire ongoing judicial inquiry into land matters has as expected generated multi-dimensional controversies with some people, especially those in the financial sector,...
NEWS FEED, THE algorithm that powers the core of Facebook, resembles a giant irrigation system for the world’s information. Working properly, it nourishes all the crops that different...