One Year Later, Justice is Delayed: A joint statement on the implementation of the KIIDP-2 Kawaala Community Agreement



Date: June 4, 2024

Last week, 31st May 2024 marked a year since the signing of the dispute resolution agreement between the Kawaala community and the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), facilitated by the World Bank Dispute Resolution Service (DRS), concerning the Second Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project (KIIDP-2). The process that led to this signing was hurried and confusing, but also hopeful. Hopeful that the agreement would mitigate the significant impacts of the drainage channel project on the Kawaala community’s livelihoods; hopeful for a way forward.

There is a more objective way of investigating the impact of the DRS process on the KIIDP-2 on the lives of the Kawaala community. The most obvious would be to look at the dispute resolution agreement and evaluate if what was agreed has been implemented. However, this agreement was declared confidential, and the DRS, unlike many of its peer accountability mechanisms, provided no summary or insight as to the content of the agreement. The alternative is to remind ourselves of the issues raised by the community in the complaint – the harm or anticipated harm by KCCA in undertaking this project – and assessing whether those issues have since been resolved. It is the findings of this method that has led us, Witness Radio and Accountability Counsel, as advisors to the community, to express our profound disappointment in the DRS’s management of the post-agreement phase and KCCA’s obligations in compensation, resettlement, and livelihoods restoration of the community.

At the time of the Complaint, the Kawaala community worried that their land would be taken away without adequate compensation. A year later, we are disappointed that there are still affected people who have not been paid the agreed compensation. Women, identified among the vulnerable groups in this project are yet to benefit from targeted initiatives to elevate their socioeconomic status and reduce their vulnerability to risk of abuse including sexual abuse.

Furthermore, some members of the community worried that the remains of their departed family members would be lost. Some of these affected community members are yet to be compensated for this loss and have not been able to restore their loved ones’ grave sites.

The community was anxious about food shortages as they were not farming their lands due to uncertainties caused by threats of eviction and disruptions by the project. A year on, the community is not yet fully resettled and restored in a way that empowers them to sustain their families through farming. There is still sewer seepage into farms, KCCA is yet to finalize the infrastructure necessary to ensure the flow of water in the drainage, so it still floods when it rains, and crops are carried away and contaminated.

The community had concerns over the safety and welfare of their children, fearing their children would fall into the drainage and get hurt. Unfortunately, this is still a concern as the project area is yet to be fenced off. Pathways including bridges to enable children to cross the drainage safely when going to school are yet to be constructed. There are no signages indicating restricted areas where it would be dangerous for children to play.

To add salt to injury, the rushed conditions under which the agreement was signed led to mistrust and division within the community, significantly affecting the cohesion and collective action needed for follow-up advocacy.  Besides, the strict confidentiality of the agreement – in contravention of the norms of similar dispute resolution processes – limits the transparency and access to information necessary to ensure full implementation.

Through it all, we wish to recognize and applaud the Kawaala Community for their unwavering commitment and resilience in pursuing the fulfilment of the agreement. Despite facing significant challenges and setbacks, their dedication to seeing the agreement implemented and their lives improved remains unshaken. This steadfast commitment inspires our continued advocacy and support.

On this first anniversary, we call for immediate action from both the KCCA and the DRS:

​​To the KCCA:

  1. Pay everyone: We demand that KCCA, without any further delay, pay the agreed compensation to all affected people whose land they took in connection with this project.
  2. Address Livelihood Concerns: We demand that the KCCA work diligently on the livelihood concerns of the community living around the project area to ensure they are not left in a worse state due to the project’s impacts.

To the DRS:

  1. Provide a Comprehensive Update: We demand a detailed report on the steps taken since the signing of the agreement, specifically regarding the promised livelihood restoration efforts.
  1. Commit to Effective and Inclusive Monitoring: We urge the DRS to commit to an effective, inclusive, and transparent monitoring mechanism that genuinely addresses the community’s ongoing challenges and ensures the fulfilment of the agreement’s terms. We urge DRS to continue its monitoring role until the full implementation of the agreement.
  1. Put pressure on KCCA: We urge the DRS to put pressure on KCCA where implementation has stagnated; to demand accountability for what remains outstanding; and to require KCCA to perform its obligations as agreed under the agreement.


To the World Bank Group (WBG):

  1. Exert Influence for Implementation: We call on the World Bank Group to step in and exert influence to ensure the implementation of the agreement. The WBG has suffered reputational damage due to the harm financed under this project, which remains unaddressed. The WBG’s active involvement is crucial to mitigate(remedy?) the harm done and ensure justice for the Kawaala community.

The Kawaala Community deserves justice and a steadfast commitment to improving their lives as initially promised. We, as advisors, stand ready to assist in this process but require a renewed sense of duty from the DRS, KCCA, and WBG.


Witness Radio

Accountability Counsel

Luganda Version

Oluvannyuma lw’Omwaka, Obwenkanya Bujjukirwa

Ekitegeeza Ekimu okuva ewa Witness Radio ne Accountability Counsel ku Kuteeka Mu Nkola Endagaano ya KIIDP-2 mu kyaalo kya Kawaala

Olunaku: 3 June 2024

Wiiki ewedde, nga 31 May 2024, omwaka guweera okuva ekyaalo kya Kawaala lwe kyateeka omukono ku ndagaano eye tesaganya ne Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), ekitongole kya World Bank Dispute Resolution Service (DRS), ku nsonga ya Second Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project (KIIDP-2). Okusaininga endagano kwayakuyizibwa ate era tekwali kulamulukufu wadde nga kwaali kuuwa essuubi. Essuubi nti endagaano eno yandiyambye okukendeeza ku bizibu ebingi ebyali bituuse ku bantu be Kawaala; essuubi ly’okufuna enkulakulana.

Waliwo engeri ey’omugaso ey’okwekebejja engeri DRS gyeyatambuzaamu endagaano ku KIIDP-2 mu bulamu bw’ekyaalo kya Kawaala. Engeri eyangu yandibadde okulaba ku ndagaano eyateekebwako omukono okulaba oba ebyakkirizibwa byatuukirizibwa. Naye, endagaano eno yategeerekebwa nga ya kyama, era DRS, okwawukaana kumikutu Emilala ejja Accountability mechanism, teyasobora kutegeza kubyakirizibwako mundagano. Engeri yooka jetusobola okutebereza ebyakanyizibwako, tuliina okugobelela ebizibu abantu byebaawa mukiwandiko kyogwemulugunya. Enkola nga ezo zezaretedde Accountability Counsel ne Witness Radio nga abaawabuzi ba bemulugunya okuvaayo netulaga obwenyamivu bwaffe eri enkola za DRS ne KCCA mukutukiriza kubyakanyizibwako nga; okusasula abantu, okusengula abantu no kubadeza obulamu bwabwe nga webwali.

Okongerezako, abantu abamu abekyaalo kya Kawaala baali betide nti ettaka lyabwe lyanditwaliddwa awatali kuliyirirwa mu ngeri eyituufu. Oluvanyuma olwomwaka gumu, turibenyamivu nti abantu abawerako batwaliddwako ettaka kyokka nga tebaanasasulwa nsimbi z’obuliyirizi ezakkirizibwa. Abakyala, abategeerekebwa nga bantu abali mu kibinja ekitali kya bulijjo mu projekiti eno, tebannafuna kyamagero ebyabateekebwa okubayamba mu by’enfuna n’okuweddemu obuzibu bw’okwonoona omubiri omuli n’okuvumbibwa.

N’ekirala, abamu ku kubemulukunya baalina okutya nti ebyo ebiva ku b’emikwano gyabwe abafa byandibula. Abamu ku memba z’ekibinja abali ku by’ekibanja kino tebannasasulwa ku nfuufu y’abalime ne banyizibwa okuzza mu nsi ebifo ebyo.

Ekyaalo kyali kyeraliikirivu ku by’okulya kubanga tebakyalima mu byalo lw’okusoberwa okwava mu kutya okw’okugobwa n’okubotobolwa kwa projekiti. Olw’omwaka gumu, ekibinja tekannakutulawo era ntegeka ey’ekitiibwa mu ngeri ey’okubayamba okufuna ebyetaago byabwe ebikozesebwa okuyamba amaka gaabwe mu bulimi. Waliwo okufuna okutuula mu byalo mu nfufu, KCCA tekannamaliriza kuzimba ebisenge ebisobola okuba n’emigga, era bwekikya.

Abazzade baali beeraliikirivu ku by’okutebenkeza n’obulungi bw’abaana baabwe, okutya nti abaana baabwe bayinza okugwa mu migga ne bakosebwa. Wabula kino tekinakolebwako. Enzirukanya omuli ebifo by’okutambulira ebisobola okuyambako abaana okweyongerayo ne basomero biri bituukirizibwa. Nti waaliwo obulabe obuli ku baana okukola ku nsi etali nsibuko.

Okwongera omunyu Munbwaa, enyanguyaa yokusininga endagano, Yyaleeta enjawukaana nobutesingangana ku kyalo ekitukosezamu kugeri yokugobeelela ebintu nga webitabula ne nsonga kii zitwetaga otekako ensira. Nga ojjeko ekola ekakali eye kyama, nga enkola ezo kwemulugumya endaala ezifananako nga eno, enkola eye kyama, tewaa beetu ya bintu kubera bilamulukufu, na bantu okufuna emiwandiko ebyamakulu okusobora ogobelela Yokosuka ebyakiriziganyako mukoola.

Mubyona, twebaaza abemulugunya okukola obutawera okulaaba nti ebyakanyizebwako betukirizibwa wadde nga bayita mubeera eyo kunyigirizibwa. Kino kituzamu amanyi nga abawabuzi bamwe akusigala nga tutambulila wamu namwe nokusigala nga tulwanirila enkyoka.

N’olwekyo, tusaaba KCCA ne DRS ekole kusonga ze kawaala mubunambilo.


  1. Sasula Buli Omu: Tusaba KCCA, awatali kulwawo, esasule ensimbi ezakkiriziddwa eri abantu bonna abaatwaliddwako ettaka ku nteekateeka eno.
  2. Ggolokamu Eby’enfuna By’Obulamu: Tusaba KCCA ekole nnyo ku by’enfuna by’e kyaalo ekiri okumpi n’enteekateeka y’enteekateeka eno okulaba nti tebalekebwawo mu mbeera embi olw’enteekateeka eno.

Eri DRS:

  1. Waayo Lipoota Enkomeredde: Tusaba lipoota enkomeredde ku bikolebwa okuva lwe baateeka omukono ku ndagaano, nga bulijjo ku by’enkulaakulana mu by’obulamu.
  2. Kikole Ku Kulondoola Okuyisa Obulungi N’okugattibwa: Tusaba DRS ekole ku kulondoola okw’obulungi, okutunuulirwa n’okutegerekeka okukuuma okulaba nti enteekateeka eyatuukiriza amagezi.
  3. Teekawo Ekirwadde KCCA: Tusaba DRS ekome KCCA ekisigaza okw’okukola; era ekkirize KCCA okukola ku buvunanyizibwa bwe nga bwakolebwa mu ndagaano.

Eri World Bank Group:

  1. Teekawo Obusobozi Okulaba Ng’Ekirwadde Kiyindiddwa: Tusaba World Bank Group eyingire okulaba ng’endagaano eno eraba ekituukiriza. WBG tetekeddwa kuleka obuvunaanyizibwa kubanga omusango gwasindikibwa mu kugattika okw’enkomerero. Kibakakatako okukola ku ky’amagero kyabwe ekitali kyatuukirizibwa.

Ekibinja kya Kawaala kirina okufuna obwenkanya n’obukwatibwa obutuukirivu okulaba nga bulamu bwabwe buterede ng’ekisoka kye kyateebwa. Ffe nga abakubiriza, tuteekeddwa okukkiriza okukwatibwa okuva mu DRS, KCCA, ne WBG.

Mu bwesimbu,

Witness Radio
Accountability Counsel


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