In 2017, all hell broke loose when thousands of families in Kiryandongo district, Western Uganda started fleeing their homes for their dear lives. The move was...
Kiryandongo Sugar Company is using soldiers to carry out retaliatory attacks against community land rights defenders and activists in Kiryandongo district. Lately, Ugandans have noted an...
The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has bumbled into a controversy over whether peasants or agribusiness feed most of the world. Seven organisations with long...
In December 2021, non-profit organisation Public Eye released new research alleging that Swiss-based commodity traders, together owning over 550 plantations across the world on at least...
Committee on Cosase chaired by Hon Joel Senyonyi meeting officials of the Land Commission Members of Parliament are investigating circumstances under which the Uganda Lands Commission...
A Ugandan cattle herder with indigenous Ankole Long-horned cattle searches for pasture, in an area where local lands were grabbed by a foreign company for a...
Kapchewuut cave in Benet Sub-County in Kween District still acts as a home for some of the evicted people who were evicted 13 years ago from...
On 2 November 2021, at COP26 in Glasgow, more than 100 governments signed on to the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forest and Land Use. Boris Johnson, UK...
Mozambican farmers harvest rice at the Wanbao Mozambique farm in the Xai-Xai district of the southern province of Gaza. Trade in agricultural services will become a...
OXFORD, England (CNS) — Africa’s Catholic bishops have criticized the appropriation of land, natural resources and other economic assets by private companies and called on national...