Families are living on one meal a day. File Photo More than 35,000 people who were evicted from their land in Kiryandongo district are on the...
The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries has delivered a batch of 33,000 bags of fertilizers of 50 kilograms each to districts in Greater Masaka...
Some of the affected families turn up in big numbers at the Masindi High court for hearing of their cases. By Witness Radio Team Hundreds of...
Total plans to drill for oil in Murchison Falls national park in north-western Uganda. French energy firm plans to drill in national park and build 900-mile...
Hundreds of children have dropped out of school after the demolition of community schools established in disputed land in Kiryandongo District. Some of the schools have...
African Agriculture on a mission to boost global food production African Agriculture Inc. (AAGR), a New York-based Africa-focused company, is on a journey to deliver protein...
In Kenya, intense and frequent droughts, floods and heatwaves are reducing crop yields and increasing malnutrition. Agricultural productivity in Africa has declined by 34 per cent...
By Witness Radio Team. The growth of a country is discerned by great leaders and innovators who see opportunities out of darkness and transform their areas...
Some of the evictions performed by Agilis Company in Kiryandongo District. By Witness Radio Team A human rights enforcement suit filed against Agilis Ranch 20 and...
By Witness Radio Team. In our breaking article published last week, Witness Radio and its contributors based on their data indicated that evictions rose during their...