Beacon placed adjacent to bomas, disproving government claims the demarcated land is not near occupied villages. In the past two weeks, the Tanzanian government has escalated...
By Witness Radio Team. The six community land rights defenders from Kawaala zone II and the local leader that were summoned to appear at the Old...
Naava being arrested by police. By Witness Radio team. A joint team of investigators from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) from Kampala...
By Witness Radio – Team The Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Ms. Jane Francis Abodo has withdrawn murder charges against six land rights defenders who were...
Armed police forces arrive to begin demarcation process in Loliondo. Open Letter from the Oakland Institute and Survival International to UNESCO WHC & IUCN To: Lazare Eloundou...
A photo of old Kampala police station where defenders are expected to report tomorrow. By Witness Radio – Uganda team As forced evictions and land giveaways...
Ms Amina Hershi, the chief executive officer of Horyal Investment Ltd, displays some of the bags of sugar produced at Atyak Sugar Factory in Amuru District...
Papua New Guinea’s Constitution is unique as it gives the people rights to be custodians over their land, 95% of which is still under customary control. ...
La Via Campesina, the global peasant movement representing the voices of more than 200 million small-scale peasants from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, has been mobilizing...
Armed police forces arrive to begin demarcation process in Loliondo. On June 8th, dozens of police vehicles from the anti-riot Field Force Unit (FFU) arrived in...